Home Visiting Day Social Media Toolkit
Home Visiting Day in L.A. County will be April 18, 2025!
Here are some graphics and sample social media posts you can use to raise awareness about home visiting. See the calendar for ideas on what to post when. In addition to posting on your personal channels, please share the toolkit with your organization’s Communications team and encourage them to use it!
Get a pdf of this toolkit here.
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Sample Posts
Save the Date
- The countdown is on! We will be celebrating the third annual Home Visiting Day on April 19. This year’s theme is Strengthening Families, One Visit at a Time. Visit HomeVisitingDay.org/join to receive emails about everything planned for this year. #HVDayLA #HomeVisiting
What is Home Visiting Day?
- Want #HomeVisiting resources? Check out these helpful links!
#HVDayLA @HomeVisitingLA - #LACounty has the largest #HomeVisiting network in the nation, and we’re celebrating that April 18 – it’s #HVDayLA! Learn more: HomeVisitingDay.org
- Want #HomeVisiting resources? Check out these helpful links!
Equity Statement:
- #HomeVisiting improves the health of infants, children, and parents. It also advances #healthequity by supporting diverse and underserved families.
#HVDayLA @HomeVisitingLA
- #HomeVisiting improves the health of infants, children, and parents. It also advances #healthequity by supporting diverse and underserved families.
Home visiting facts:
- Learn more about the positive impacts that #HomeVisiting has on family health by checking out #LACounty’s data at HomeVisitingLA.org! #HVDayLA
Home Visiting Programs in LA County:
- Every family is unique, and with so many home visiting programs available, you can choose the support that fits your needs. Swipe through to learn about the options that can make life a little easier.
Ready to find the best fit? Visit our Home Visiting eDirectory to explore and connect with a program that works for you. eDirectory.HomeVisitingLA.org #HVDayLA @HomeVisitingLA
- Every family is unique, and with so many home visiting programs available, you can choose the support that fits your needs. Swipe through to learn about the options that can make life a little easier.
Look what these families have to say about home visiting! Find free #HomeVisiting programs that are available for you during #pregnancy and after you deliver:
eDirectory.HomeVisitingLA.org #HVDayLA
- Want to learn more about #HomeVisiting and related resources? Check out these helpful links! #HVDayLA @HomeVisitingLA
Thank you!
- We salute all the #HomeVisiting heroes in #LACounty! Your great work helps families in so many ways! #HVDayLA @HomeVisitingLA
Facebook and Instagram Graphics